Questions Your Agency Should Ask When Evaluating Tech

When evaluating new technology for your insurance agency, you often face a bewildering array of options, promises, and buzzwords. But adopting a new tool or platform isn’t just about keeping up with the latest trends—it's about aligning that technology with your agency’s specific needs, goals, and growth trajectory. In this blog, we’ll explore the key questions your agency should ask when evaluating technology. We aim to help you create a streamlined evaluation process that ensures every new tool contributes to your core objectives—whether tied to KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), or broader company goals.

Why a Uniform Evaluation Process is Key

Before diving into the specific questions, it’s essential to understand the value of a uniform evaluation process. When every vendor you’re considering is measured against the same criteria, it helps to remove subjectivity, ensuring that you're making decisions based on what’s truly best for your agency. More importantly, linking technology with your company’s KPIs, OKRs, or overarching goals provides clarity and direction. This alignment ensures that the technology you invest in is not just a shiny new toy but a meaningful tool for driving results.

When each member of your decision-making team evaluates technology differently, it leads to miscommunication, missed details, and, ultimately, wasted time. A uniform process reduces friction, allowing you to focus on the critical aspects: Will this tool help your agency achieve better retention rates? Can it drive customer acquisition? Does it offer tangible ROI? These are the questions that matter. And here’s how to ask them.

1. Alignment with Business Goals

One of the most fundamental questions when evaluating technology is whether the tool aligns with your agency's strategic objectives. New technology should serve a purpose, and that purpose should be clear from the start. You don’t want to spend resources implementing a tool that doesn’t contribute to your success.

Questions to Ask:

  • How will this technology help us achieve our agency's primary business goals (e.g., growth, client retention, operational efficiency)?
  • Can you provide examples of how similar agencies have used this tool to improve key performance metrics?
  • How does this tool tie into the metrics we already track?
  • How scalable is this technology as our agency grows or our business model evolves?
  • What is the expected ROI, and how soon will we see measurable results?

By asking these questions, you begin the conversation with a clear focus on outcomes rather than features. You avoid falling in love with a tool just because it has “cutting-edge” features and instead ensure that it will have a tangible impact on your business.

2. Integration with Existing Systems

No technology exists in a vacuum. Many agencies' tech stack is already complex, comprising CRM systems, policy management software, marketing automation tools, and more. The last thing you want is a new system that requires endless workarounds or introduces new inefficiencies because it doesn’t integrate seamlessly with your existing tools.

Questions to Ask:

  • Does this solution integrate with our existing systems, including CRM, email marketing, and policy management platforms?
  • How difficult is the integration process, and will it require significant IT resources?
  • Are there any known compatibility issues with our current tools?
  • What kind of ongoing technical support do you offer if integration issues arise?
  • Can this tool integrate with future systems we might adopt as our agency evolves?

Integration is crucial because a tool that works in isolation can create data silos, reduce productivity, and cause frustration for your team. Ensuring that new technology fits seamlessly into your existing ecosystem will save time and resources in the long run.

3. Data Security and Compliance

For insurance agencies, data security and compliance are paramount. Handling sensitive client data—such as personal health information, financial records, or identification details—comes with immense responsibility. Any technology you adopt must not only protect this data but also comply with industry standards and regulations, such as HIPAA or CCPA, depending on your region.

Questions to Ask:

  • How does this solution ensure data security, particularly concerning sensitive client information?
  • Is the platform compliant with relevant regulations such as HIPAA, GDPR, or state-level data protection laws?
  • What encryption methods and security protocols are used to protect client data?
  • How frequently do you update your security features to address new threats?
  • Can you provide documentation or case studies that show your compliance track record?

Ensuring the technology you adopt is safe and compliant isn’t just about ticking a box; it’s about protecting your reputation and building trust with clients. Your clients expect their personal data to be handled with care, and any lapse in security could have devastating consequences for your agency.

4. Ease of Use and Training Requirements

Even the most advanced technology is useless if your team can’t use it effectively. As an agency executive, you must consider how user-friendly the tool is and how quickly your staff can get up to speed. The last thing you want is to invest in an unused platform because it’s too complicated or time-consuming to learn.

Questions to Ask:

  • What kind of training do you provide to help our team get up and running with this technology?
  • How intuitive is the user interface, and can you provide a demo that reflects real-world use cases?
  • What is the typical learning curve, and how do you support users who might struggle to adapt?
  • Is ongoing support available to help troubleshoot issues as they arise?
  • Can you provide user feedback or testimonials from similar agencies that detail their onboarding experience?

The success of any technology implementation hinges on whether your team can seamlessly integrate it into their day-to-day operations. A simple, user-friendly interface with thorough training can significantly improve adoption rates and make the transition smoother for everyone involved.

5. Vendor Support and Customer Service

No matter how robust the technology is, issues will arise. Knowing what level of support you can expect from the vendor once the initial sale is made is important. If the technology is mission-critical to your operations, you’ll need a vendor that offers reliable, responsive customer service.

Questions to Ask:

  • What does your customer support structure look like? Do you offer 24/7 support?
  • Can you provide case studies or testimonials that reflect your responsiveness in resolving client issues?
  • How often do you release updates, and how are they communicated to your clients?
  • What is your typical response time for addressing technical issues?
  • Do you offer dedicated account managers or support representatives for agencies like ours?

Excellent customer support can mean the difference between quickly resolving an issue and days of operational downtime. Ensure that your vendor has a proven track record of being responsive and supportive.

6. Cost and Pricing Transparency

Finally, cost is always a major consideration. However, the cheapest option isn’t always the best—especially if it compromises quality, security, or scalability. As you evaluate potential technology, it’s important to understand both the upfront costs and any ongoing expenses, including updates, support, or licensing fees.

Questions to Ask:

  • What is the total cost of ownership, including licensing, setup, and ongoing support?
  • Are there additional fees for upgrades, integrations, or customer support?
  • Can you provide a detailed breakdown of costs so we can compare it with other solutions?
  • Is pricing structured in a way that can scale as our agency grows?
  • Do you offer any discounts for long-term contracts or bundled services?

Having a transparent conversation about pricing ensures that there are no surprises down the road. It also allows you to compare vendors more easily, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

Tying It All Together: A Uniform Evaluation Process

The questions above cover the core areas you should focus on when evaluating technology for your agency: alignment with business goals, integration, security, usability, support, and cost. But to truly make the evaluation process seamless, it's essential to tie these inquiries into a uniform process that everyone on your team follows.

Start by identifying your agency’s top priorities, whether those are related to growth, client retention, or operational efficiency. Then, create a simple evaluation framework that weighs each technology solution based on its ability to support those priorities. For example, if increasing client retention is your primary objective, give more weight to tools that offer advanced customer data analytics or communication automation.

Next, ensure that all stakeholders involved in the decision-making process use the same criteria. Whether you’re talking to IT, operations, or marketing, everyone should evaluate the technology based on the same core questions and priorities. This prevents disjointed feedback and ensures that you’re making a well-rounded decision.

Finally, track how well the technology performs against your company’s KPIs and OKRs once it’s implemented. If the tool is supposed to improve efficiency, measure that improvement over time. If it’s designed to help with client acquisition, look at your conversion rates before and after implementation. This will allow you to make data-driven decisions about whether to continue using the tool, upgrade it, or replace it with something else.

Conclusion: Making Technology Work for Your Agency

Choosing the right technology for your insurance agency is a complex but crucial process. By asking the right questions and creating a uniform evaluation system that ties every decision back to your agency’s KPIs and goals, you can ensure that every tool you invest in provides real value.

Remember, technology should be a means to an end—whether that end is increasing operational efficiency, improving client relationships, or driving growth. Stay focused on your agency's priorities, ask the right questions, and you’ll find the technology that moves your business forward.