Does your business want more revenue? Of course, it does.
With cold calls netting so few sales and with cold email marketing performing just as poorly, salespeople need to change up their arsenal.
The technology, new ideas, inventions and gadgets that will revolutionize the world as we know it and lead us head first into the future.
With cold calls netting so few sales and with cold email marketing performing just as poorly, salespeople need to change up their arsenal.
As humanity continues to reach for the stars, one thing is clear. Someone will have to insure that risk.
To help you figure out which insurtechs to work with, here is the three-step strategy to know which companies to double down on, and which ones to take a pass.
By the time the deal is about to close, we are ready to pop the champagne, not pop open the contract.
By combining customer education and easy binding at the point of sale of another complimentary purchase, embedded insurance is poised to reshape the insurance industry. But how can SMB insurance companies jump on this trend?
Underpinning many of these innovations is the internet of things (IoT). Seemingly innocuous, IoT is poised to reshape how we understand and price risk and interact and distribute insurance to the masses.
Out of the entire year, account rounding within 30-days of the policy expiration has the lowest likelihood of success.
With 100s of alternative currencies in the market, companies struggle to determine which they will accept as payment options. Businesses should know the various benefits and risks posed by alternative payment methods so they can make an informed decision.
Data is everywhere. But most of the data on the internet is unstructured and cannot conveniently fit into a table to store and analyze it; thus, it becomes necessary to learn how to make sense of this unstructured data.